Friday, July 18, 2008


I totally understand the devils advocate viewpoint...I'm that way with everything practically even most of the stuff i actually agree with the most...I'm a constant objective...good or bad i don't know...

Anyways as far as physical evidence....well those stones were a little supporting physical far as direct evidence...well just Google image search "giants bones" you get this page....

So it is arguable whether that evidence already exist or not...

Also...there may not ness have been that many giants...actually according to the bible...the humans multiply at a faster than expected pace...this implies to me that maybe these giants might have only existed in a relatively small evidence may indeed be limited as opposed to say dinosaur bones... which of course exist...and surely are millions of years old...considering the ground levels and other dating methods....

As far as those 4 stones....3 of which are on the structure....temple of Jupiter in Baalbek....these stones are in the range of 2 million lbs each... or roughly 1000 tons... that is 3 times the size of anything in Egypt or Rome....and they are hewn virtually perfectly straight....with precision placement....not saying humans couldn't ever do it... just not with technology they have today indeed they may have had technologies for building they we do not today... many structures of ancient times being built in ways so complex that each of thousands of building blocks in a structure may have a completely unique and "coded" shape so that a building can appear perfectly symmetrical and such without the basic types of building blocks we would use today for instance....extremely complex methods....5000-10000 years ago....

Now the reason that giants seem so likely to me is if you Google image search a bunch of ancient Egyptian and mid eastern images....there are lots of depictions of giant people and little people and in the one i think like gen 1:26 maybe ...."giants roamed the earth in those days"

OK now about dinosaurs...nothing i say contradicts dinosaurs.... see evolution exist surely in some way natural or unnatural theres too much similarities in species ...but at the same time...theres a missing link..... BUT yet we have 99.9% of the same genes as an chimp... in fact we unexpectedly have been found to have only twice the genes of a fruit could we only be twice as complex as a fruit fly...? because only a few genes can make a vast difference in the appearance and make up of a species....and out of 30,000 genes humans have 223 genes that are as of yet mostly unidentified and don't exist in any other species or predecessor of man other than a bacteria...which is being discovered to not likely be the source...since accidental transfer of genes is extremely unlikely....especially to produce us....the human being....a vastly more industrious being than most if not all others on earth....

So yes dinosaurs are still OK....they did exist in the grand scheme

Now i don't believe that George Bush is that stupid... i think he and his fellows have had a pretty concise plan of action for a while....and hes just being Columboesque...he may not have style but hes got enough brain to know what hes doing....he mispronounces "nucular" and stuff like that because he simply gets a kick out of it...not because hes incapable

Mankind is cyclical...and indeed the ages exist as such....ever few thousand years mankind is basicilly wiped out....why....because of a cataclysmic flood... caused by the 10th or 9th now..unannounced planet of Nibiru which exist in our solar system but travels into deep space and then renters the solar system near to the orbit of earth and perhaps every 3-5000 years the planet and its approaching moon(s) create a gravitational pull on the oceans of earth causing a great flooding that wipes nearly everything out....

The ANNUNAKI came here some 450,000 years ago and creating humans from the existing homopids using genetic intervention ...that of a modern day gene scientist....splicing their own intelligence genes with that of the monkey and creating the human..and thats why about 100,000 years is shown to have made a dramitic change in brain size... don't fit with evolution

Man always was there for to be slaves to the serve the gods....but one decided to give us the knowledge of the gods....advanced technologies etc...and the main gods didn't like it and so decided to let man perish in flooding from there returning planet ...and keep in mind...these gods lived for possibly thousands of many characters of the bible live for very long times as well.... were they human?

Theres so much i could carry on and but yeah....i can tell you how several other world religions fit in ...right along with the bible....after all it does come partly from the thousands of ancient stones found in the mid east.... i mean there has to be something to them....? right?

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